Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Lot going on since the last post.

Well, it's been 4 weeks since my last post and this coming Friday is the 8 week anniversary since Tricia and I pulled into town. Since my last post we have had welcome visitors to our home and unwelcome (Irene) visitors. We have had time to enjoy some area attractions like a Boston Red Sox Game and a County Fair. Instead of writing off of it in one post I will take it one moment at a time, which may take more than one blog post.

I wrote the last post on August 13th and on the 16th my Dad and Patty rolled into town. They were visiting quite a few people. Their trip started in Cleveland visiting Jordan, Kelly, and Hayden. Next they drove to my Uncle Greg and Aunt Nancy's house, which is about 3 1/2 hours from our house, so since they were so close to us they decided to visit and see our new house.

First we showed them the house, then we took a walk to show them the Connecticut River. It was a fun time. We posed for pictures, and then had a rock throwing contest.

Here are some of the shots:

We all had fun throwing rocks in the river under the bridge. Here are some shots of the rocks hitting the water:

Then we all get competitive and my dad throws it all super hard and rock hits the underside of the bridge and shots straight down on the bank, didn't even make it in the water. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. Here are the kids taking cover after it happens:

Here is a short video of the kids throwing their rocks:

We live by a mountain called Mount Sugar Loaf. We hadn't been to the top. There is a look out at the top, so we headed on up. Here is what it looks like from down below. That is the look out tower at the top:

Here you can see our house if you look closely. If you look across the street from the church, we are the white house with the chimney in the middle.

We took some pictures from the top of the lookout and of some of the beautiful flowers up there. Enjoy.

We live right around the corner from theYankee Candle Flagship store, so it seems that everyone that visits wants to go, well, my step mom anyway. We got to the store and almost immediately we couldn't find my dad, Keith, Parker or Tricia.

We found them sitting having a refreshment waiting for Patty and I well we shopped.

There were a lot of picture opportunities around the store. Here Tricia and Papa are posing by a cool truck in the Christmas section of the store.

Tricia liked this wall hanging and said to me, "Mom this is cool. Oh, Never mind. It's too expensive." Grandma: "Tricia, it's not too bad. It's only $59.99." Tricia: "Um, Grandma that says $599.99." Me: "Um, Tricia I'll take a picture for you."

Here Dad and Patty are shopping for an an ornament in the Christmas section.

Here Tricia and Parker are reenacting the Titanic scene in the candy section of the store.

One of the tourist attractions is that you can make wax hands. Tricia rocked out while Parker gave a thumbs up.

After we hung out at the Yankee Candle store we went to their restaurant called Chandlers. It was really funny because Patty, me and Tricia sat one side of the table and then the guys sat on the other side. I have Crohn's Disease, my step mom has allergies, and Tricia is a vegetarian. It took our side of the table forever to order and the guys a few seconds. HAHA. Here is a picture of us at Dinner.

After dinner we headed back home and they had to leave the next day, but before they did my dad and Keith hung some pictures around the house. It is really starting to feel like home.

After hanging out the morning of the 18th, Dad and Patty had to get back to Cleveland, so they could fly home. On their way out Darlene was flying in.

Coming up next: Darlene's Visit and my first triathlon on the East Coast.

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